Oorkom Depressie Deel 2

Depressie – deel 2

Skrywer: Wyle Ds Martin Holdt

Korrekte denke

Die apostel Paulus het besef hoe noodsaaklik korrekte denke was.

Hy sê in Fillipense 4 vers 8 dat ons moet dink aan alles wat waar, edel, reg, rein, mooi en lofwaardig is. Hy dring daarop aan dat ons ons gedagtes daarop rig. Daarby bedoel hy dat ons ons moet besig hou met gedagtes wat goed, waar en opbouend is. In die volgende vers sê hy aan sy lesers dat hulle die dinge moet doen wat hulle by
hom gesien het. Dit is betekenisvol dat hy die brief gerig het aan dié mense wat die stad bewoon het waar hy en sy vriend, Silas, geweldig onregverdig behandel is, deurdat hulle onskuldig gevange geneem is en in die openbaar verneder is. Continue reading “Oorkom Depressie Deel 2”

Oorkom Depressie – Deel 1


Skrywer – Wyle Dr. MARTIN HOLDT


Dr. I.L. de Villiers, ‘n bekende Nederduits Gereformeerde predikant, het depressie “Die siekte van ons tyd” genoem. Dit is so en te oordeel aan heersende gemoedstoestande, die groeiende behoefte aan berading en sielkundige behandeling, en die toename in die selfmoordsyfer, het depressie byna ‘n epidemie geword. Die feit dat dit ‘n negatiewe uitwerking op so baie Christene het, is net so ontstellend. Alhoewel baie mense van mening is dat depressie nie met die Christelike geloof versoenbaar is nie, word daar in die Bybel duidelik voorsiening gemaak vir hierdie ervaring. Elia het ‘n ernstige insinking in hierdie toestand beleef, so ook Jona. Gesien in die lig van die apostel Paulus se stelling in 2 Korintiërs 1 vers 8: “Ons wil hê, broers, dat julle moet weet van die moeilikhede wat ons in die provinsie Asië ondervind het. Die swaar wat ons moes verduur, het ver bo ons kragte gegaan, sodat ons selfs die hoop om te bly lewe, laat vaar het”, is dit nie onwaarskynlik dat ook hy afgedaal het in ‘n moeras van wanhoop nie. Continue reading “Oorkom Depressie – Deel 1”

Bewaak jou hart resensie (Bewaak Jou Hart – Deel 1)

Onlangs het vriende van ons ‘n boekie in ons hand geplaas wat ons geweldig aangespreek het en nog steeds aanspreek en help. Dis ‘n juweel omdat dit so prakties is en dit handel oor ‘n saak waar ek dink meeste van ons Christene vasval. Die boekie is in Engels en uitgegee deur Focus Publications met die Titel “Keeping the Heart – How to maintain your love for God” en geskrywe deur John Flavel (1627-1691)
“Bewaak jou hart” is ‘n klassieke werk oor ons eenheid en gemeenskap met God. Flavel help ons om te verstaan wat dit beteken om jou hart te bewaak (Spreuke 4:23) en hoekom dit so kardinaal belangrik is. Enigeen wat iets van Flavel se lewe weet, sal weet dat hy geleef het wat hy gepreek het en ‘n geliefde predikant was vir sy gemeente in bitter moeilike tye. J.I.Packer skryf: “Flavel was an English Puritan who became a non-conformist after the ‘Great Ejection’ of 1662. It was 10 years before he was licensed to preach again, and then only in his own home. His writings, when collected in the 19th century, filled 6 volumes and are known for their practical nature.” Continue reading “Bewaak jou hart resensie (Bewaak Jou Hart – Deel 1)”

Having the mind of Christ (The cross and all of life – Part II)

Have this mind among  yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus”-Phil 2:5

A transcription of a sermon on humility preached by Rev. Martin Holdt.
Read Part 1 of this series here: PART I

Read Philippians 2: 5 – 11

The Mind of Christ

We read in Phil 2:4  “complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind” The apostle Paul was writing to a church where there was the threat of schism.  We read in Philippians 4 verse 2:  “I beseech you Iuodia and Syntyche to be of the same mind”  It seemed thus that the two women were at loggerheads and it could easily spill over, especially when it is two women, into the rest of the church and there were probably others too.  We don’t know.  He continue (Phil 2:3) “do nothing from rivalry or conceit”.  Why does he say that to a church consisting of Christians ? Continue reading “Having the mind of Christ (The cross and all of life – Part II)”

Beklee jou met die Here Jesus Christus (Meer as oorwinnaars Deel 2A)

Die eerste deel (deel 2A) van ‘n transkripsie van die tweede boodskap uit ‘n reeks getiteld “Meer as Oorwinnaars” deur Nico van der Walt.

Wil jy oorwinning hê oor sonde? Ken dan jou vyand van buite en van buite. Maar hoe kry jy oorwinning oor die vyand van binne. Die geheim lê om jou te beklee met jou ware “Oorwinnaar” – Maar hoe?

Continue reading “Beklee jou met die Here Jesus Christus (Meer as oorwinnaars Deel 2A)”

Substitute in My Place (He died for me – Part II)

Give Me a Body (Substitute)

(Part II of a transcript of a sermon about atonement by Dr. Martin Holdt)

Heb 10:3-12 “ in these sacrifices there is a reminder of sins every year.  For it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins. When Christ came into the world, he said, “Sacrifices and offerings you have not desired, but a body have you prepared for me;  in burnt offerings and sin offerings you have taken no pleasure. Then I said, ‘Behold, I have come to do your will, O God, as it is written of me in the scroll of the book.’”  When he said above, “You have neither desired nor taken pleasure in sacrifices and offerings and burnt offerings and sin offerings” (these are offered according to the law), then he added, “Behold, I have come to do your will.” He does away with the first in order to establish the second. And by that will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. And every priest stands daily at his service, offering repeatedly the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins. But when Christ had offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God “

There you have it “Substitutionary Atonement”, Christ giving His own body as a sacrifice in your place for your sin.

We live in a day and an age when, even within the Christian church, there is far too little of a brokenness of heart and a mourning over sin.  May God give it back to us, because when He does, we might be a step closer to revival.  It is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins.   I find the above verses the most moving in the whole Bible. Continue reading “Substitute in My Place (He died for me – Part II)”

Stryd van Binne en Buite (Meer as oorwinnaars Deel 1A)

Die eerste deel (deel 1A) van ‘n transkripsie van die eerste boodskap uit ‘n reeks getiteld “Meer as Oorwinnaars” deur Nico van der Walt.

Die Christen se Stryd

Efes 6:10-20 (Nuwe vertaling)
“Verder nog dit: soek julle krag in die Here en in Sy groot mag.  Trek die volle wapenrusting aan wat God julle gee, sodat julle op julle pos kan bly ondanks die listige aanslae van die duiwel.
Ons stryd is nie teen vlees en bloed nie, maar teen die bose magte van hierdie sondige wêreld, teen die bose geeste in die lug.  Trek daarom die wapenrusting aan wat God julle gee, sodat julle weerstand kan bied in die dag van onheil en, nadat julle die stryd tot die einde toe gevoer het, nog op julle pos kan bly staan.  Bly dan op julle pos, toegerus met die waarheid as gordel om julle heupe, die vryspraak deur God as borsharnas, en die bereidheid om die evangelie van vrede te verkondig as skoene aan die voete.  Daarby moet julle altyd geloof as skild in die hand hê, want daarmee sal julle al die brandpyle van die Bose kan afweer. Sit verlossing as helm op en vat die swaard van die Gees, dit is die woord van God.  Doen dit alles biddend en smeek God by elke geleentheid deur die Gees. Wees waaksaam en bid gedurig vir al die gelowiges. Bid ook vir my dat wanneer ek preek, God my die woorde gee dat ek die geheimenis van die evangelie met vrymoedigheid kan bekend maak. Ter wille van hierdie evangelie is ek ‘n gesant in boeie. Bid dat ek dit met vrymoedigheid kan verkondig soos dit my opgelê is.”

Skewe Idees

Efesiërs 6 is seker een van die bekendste gedeeltes in die Nuwe Testament, maar dit is terselfdertyd een van die gedeeltes wat ek dink, waaroor mense die meeste skewe idees oor het, besonderlik in ons dag. Continue reading “Stryd van Binne en Buite (Meer as oorwinnaars Deel 1A)”

He died for Me – Part 1 (Atonement)

Transcript of a sermon about atonement preached by Dr. Martin Holdt
Based on: Isaiah 53; and 1 Peter chapter 3, verse 8 – 22.

Well beloved, on this glorious theme of the cross of Christ, may God give me the grace to share with you something that will elevate your soul and move you to worship Him who died for our sins.

You all know what Paul said in that crisp, wonderful, glorious statement in
1 Corinthians 15 verse 3.  ‘I delivered to you as the first importance what I also received (now notice, of first importance, it is paramount, it is crucial, its vital He says) that Christ died for our sins, in accordance with the Scriptures. And that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day, in accordance with the Scriptures.’

Substitutionary Atonement

This morning we are going to pause and think about this statement, that Christ died for our sins.  I think you know this doctrine of substitutionary penal atonement is under attack today, but it has been under attack before. We have, amongst others, professors in the theological faculty of the University of Pretoria, who say that to teach that or to preach that is to suggest and imply that God is guilty of child abuse.  For a mother wouldn’t do that to her child.  Why should God do that to His beloved Son?  For of course it is things we know, we don’t expect better from that faculty. Continue reading “He died for Me – Part 1 (Atonement)”

Ministers who make it

by the late Dr Martyn Holdt

It is required of a steward to be found faithful. Faithfulness is basic to the Christian ministry. Jesus Christ was absolutely faithful to the end. The apostle Paul was faithful throughout his ministry. All of God’s great servants were loyal and trustworthy throughout the period of their service in the kingdom of God. Faithfulness is non-negotiable. However, is a servant of Christ not meant to seek for and to experience the kind of prosperity God promised to Joshua and to all those who do the will of God? Joshua 1 v 8. Continue reading “Ministers who make it”

The Work of the Pastor is to Feed the Sheep

work of the pastorHere follows the first chapter of the book “The Work of the Pastor” written by William Still. This chapter is also freely available on the Internet as an advertisement to buy the book. Well it is worth buying the book for the rest of the chapters (just google it). I ordered my copies through Christian Book Discounters in Rosebank Johannesburg (Christian Book Discounters)

Chapter One – Feed My Sheep

The Pastor
Before we look at the work of the pastor we must look at the pastor himself. The pastor by definition is a shepherd, the under-shepherd of the flock of God. His primary task is to feed the flock by leading them to green pastures. He also has to care for them when they are sick or hurt, and seek them when they go astray. The importance of the pastor depends on the value of the sheep.
Continue reading “The Work of the Pastor is to Feed the Sheep”

Introduction to The work of the pastor

Sinclair Ferguson once said “Every Pastor should read this book at least once a year” If you wonder why, then read what Thabiti Anyabwile have to say about his experience below. In this post I will post the introduction to this book written by William Still, and in the next post, the First chapter of the book which is also freely available on the Internet as an advertisement to buy the book.  After that then go ahead and order the book from Focus publishers.

This is what Thabiti Anyabwile said:

On the plane ride to the New Life Bible Conference, I began reading William Still’s The Work of the Pastor.  I’ve had the book for a few years, but had yet to pick it up.  In recent conversations with some pastor friends, I was strongly encouraged to take up and read.  And boy am I glad I did!

Continue reading “Introduction to The work of the pastor”

The cross and the world – what is the Gospel?

Author: Martin Holdt
This is the second part of the sermon, which is transcribed, delivered by Rev Martin Holdt, entitled, The cross and the world.

What is the gospel? It is what God has done in Christ. It is called by the apostle Paul “justification”. Just so that you can understand where we are at, because I don’t think that all of you have got this sorted out. Please allow me in as simple terms as possible to tell you.

Years ago I had a phone call from a lady I did not know. She said on the telephone: “Do you preach the doctrine of justification?” What a strange question, on the telephone, from a woman. So I said, just tell me why do you ask? She said: “Come and see me.” I did. Continue reading “The cross and the world – what is the Gospel?”

Die vrou se verantwoordelikheid in die huwelik – Deel 2

Preek Transkripsie: die rol van die vrou in die huwelik Deel 2,
Uit Reeks: Die man en vrou in die gemeente van die Here.
Prediker: Nico van der Walt
sien hier vir Deel 1: DEEL I

“Mans en vrouens is verskillend in hul gedrag, hul gerigtheid, hul samestelling, hul vermoëns, hul prioriteite, hul temperamente en hulle anatomieë. Die vrou het ‘n ander plek in die span. Die man is as kaptein aangewys en die vrou ‘n uiters belangrike spanlid. ‘n Rugbyspan wat net ‘n kaptein het, is niks werd nie. Elkeen van ons is vir sy roeping toegerus. Dit is vanuit die skepping.

Die tweede motivering is vanuit die herskepping. Die apostel sê, “wees onderdanig, soos aan die Here,” dis die herskepping. Continue reading “Die vrou se verantwoordelikheid in die huwelik – Deel 2”

The cross and the world

Author: Dr Martin Holdt
This is the first part of a sermon transcribed, in the series, The Cross, by Dr Martin Holdt, entitled: The cross and the world.
Galatians 6: 1 – 8 “Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted. Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfil the law of Christ. If anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself. Each one should test his own actions. Then he can take pride in himself, without comparing himself to somebody else, for each one should carry his own load. Anyone who receives instruction in the word must share all good things with his instructor. Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.”
If you hear me say things that I’ve said before, please forbear. I say them because it is important that they be said and don’t we all concur that if the truth is worth saying once it is worth saying a thousand times over, provided it comes to us with fear and conviction and we take it to heart and live it out for the glory of God. So, I am going to repeat a few things that you have heard me say before, I do it because it is a burden on my heart and I happen to have discovered what I am sure every minister of the gospel has discovered here. People forget so soon. Continue reading “The cross and the world”

Die vrou se verantwoordelikheid in die huwelik – Deel 1

Skrywer: Nico van der Walt
Preek transkripsie:  Die vrou se antwoordelikheid in die huwelik. Deel 1.
uit reeks: Man en vrou in die gemeente van die Here

Lees Deel II hier: Deel II

Skriflesing: Efesiërs 5v21-24 (Nuwe Vertaling) “Wees uit eerbied vir Christus aan mekaar onderdanig. Vrouens, wees aan julle mans onderdanig, net soos julle aan die Here onderdanig is. Die man is die hoof van die vrou, soos Christus die hoof van die kerk is. Christus is ook die Verlosser van die liggaam, Sy kerk. Soos die kerk aan Christus onderdanig is, moet die vrouens in alles aan hulle mans onderdanig wees.”
Kol 3v18 “Vrouens, wees aan julle mans onderdanig soos dit pas by mense wat in die Here glo.” Titus 2v4-5 “..sodat hulle die jonger vrouens kan leer om liefdevol teenoor hulle mans en kinders te wees, verstandig en kuis, goeie huisvrouens, onderdanig aan hulle mans. Dan sal die Woord van God nie in diskrediet kom nie.”
1 Pet 3v1-6 “Vrouens, julle moet aan julle mans onderdanig wees. As daar van julle is met mans wat nie die Woord van God glo nie, en die mans sien hoe godvresend julle is en hoe voorbeeldig julle julle gedra, sal hulle vir Christus gewen kan word deur die gedrag van hulle vrouens. Dit sal nie eens vir julle nodig wees om ‘n woord te sê nie. Julle skoonheid moet nie bestaan in uiterlike dinge soos haarkapsels, juwele en sierlike klere nie. Nee, julle skoonheid moet dié van die innerlike mens wees: blywende beskeidenheid en kalmte van gees. Dit het by God groot waarde. In die oud dae het die gelowige vrouens wat op God gehoop het, hulle ook so versier: hulle was aan hulle mans onderdanig. Sara, byvoorbeeld, was aan Abraham gehoorsaam en het met eerbied na hom verwys. As julle doen wat goed is en julle nie deur dreigemente laat afskrik nie, is julle haar dogters.”

Die vrou se verantwoordelikheid in die huwelik:
Julle sal onthou ons het tyd gewy in die vorige sessies aan die fundamentele beginsels van die huwelik en die verhouding tussen die man en vrou. Ons het gewerk veral vanuit Genesis 3 en ons het gekyk na die man se verantwoordelikheid in die huwelik. In die volgende sessie wil ek kyk na die vrou se verantwoordelikheid in die huwelik.
Eers wil ek net fundamentele waarhede in plek sit. Kom ek stel dit so, as ons God se ordes ken, tot daardie mate, ken ons God. Beter gestel, hoe meer ons God se ordes verstaan, hoe meer groei ons in ons Godskennis. Dit is ons heel hoogste roeping, om God te ken. Continue reading “Die vrou se verantwoordelikheid in die huwelik – Deel 1”

Glorying in the cross of Jesus Christ – Part 2

Author: Martin Holdt
This is a continuation of a series of sermons, transcribed, preached by Martin Holdt, “The Cross”. Read further, for part 2 of the message “Glorying in the cross of Jesus Christ”.

There is nowhere else where you will so see the love of God as in the cross. No wonder Paul finds glory in that. I want to drink deep of the fountain of God’s love. So I will make it a daily exercise to stop to pause and to think about that love. Incidently, please don’t think that you have got to get a necklace with a little superstitious cross or a bracelet. No. You ponder and you think about what happened there. God at work. His love and of course His mercy. Is there a God as forgiving as that? You know, it seems to me that this last generation of Christians has all but forgotten what forgiveness is all about. I am not talking about divine forgiveness, that too, yes, but interpersonal forgiveness. The way we harbour bitterness against fellow believers. Go back to God, go back to the cross. Look at the offences there, against the righteous, glorious God. What does the cross tell you? God is merciful, very merciful, o so merciful. Continue reading “Glorying in the cross of Jesus Christ – Part 2”

Die man se verantwoordelikheid in die huwelik – Deel 2

Skrywer: Nico van der Walt
Hier vervolg die transkripsie van die preek, gelewer deur Nico van der Walt, rakende

“Die verantwoordelikheid van die man in die huwelik.” Deel 2.
Kom ons praat bietjie oor die dade:

Dit is interessant dat die apostel Paulus vir ons ‘n klompie riglyne gee as ons versigtig deur die teks lees. Kom ons praat eers oor die wat van die liefde. Kyk na Ef. 5. Julle sal sien waarmee ek nou gaan werk. Ek gaan die Ou Vertaling lees want dit is meer letterlik, vers 25 tot 27 “Manne, julle moet jul eie vroue liefhê, soos Christus ook die gemeente liefgehad en Homself daarvoor oorgegee het om dit te heilig, nadat Hy dit gereinig het met die waterbad deur die Woord, sodat Hy die gemeente voor Hom kon stel, verheerlik, sonder vlek of rimpel of iets dergeliks; maar dat dit heilig en sonder gebrek sou wees”. Hier is 5 werkwoorde wat baie belangrik is. Liefgehad, oorgegee, om te heilig, om te gereinig het en voor Hom te stel.

Continue reading “Die man se verantwoordelikheid in die huwelik – Deel 2”

Glorying in the cross of Jesus Christ – Part 1

Author: Rev. Martin Holdt
These are transcriptions of sermons preached by Rev. Martin Holdt, a series on “The cross”. This is the Part 1 of the message, “Glorying in the cross of Jesus Christ.”
Scripture reading: Galatians 6: 1 – 18
Galatians 6 verse 14: Far be it from me, said the apostle Paul, to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ by which the world has been crucified to me and I to the world. I prefer the Authorised Version use of the word glory though both is acceptable : far be it for me to glory except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.

What is he saying? Let’s be clear about that before we get into the text. He is not saying that he glories in that wooden instrument on which our Lord Jesus was crucified. It doesn’t say that. Cicero once said that the worst form of execution ever invented by the human mind was crucifixion. It was terrible, it was painful and shameful and it was ghastly. Continue reading “Glorying in the cross of Jesus Christ – Part 1”

Die man se verantwoordelikheid in die huwelik – Deel 1

Die man en vrou in die huwelik-reeks Nr. 2.
Skrywer: Nico van der Walt

Die man se verantwoordelikheid in die huwelik Deel 1

(Hierdie is transkripsies van preke deur Nico van der Walt)
Teksverwysings: 1 Kor. 11: 3,7 (3)“Ek wil egter hê julle moet weet dat Christus die hoof is van elke man, en ‘n man die hoof van sy vrou, en God die hoof van Christus. (7) ‘n Man behoort nie iets op sy kop te sit nie. Hy is die beeld en heerlikheid van God, maar die vrou is die heerlikheid van die man”.

Ef. 5:25-33 “Mans, julle moet julle vrouens liefhê soos Christus die kerk liefgehad en sy lewe daarvoor afgelê het. Dit het Hy gedoen om die kerk aan God te wy, nadat Hy dit met die water en die Woord gereinig het, sodat Hy die kerk in volle heerlikheid by Hom kan neem, sonder vlek of rimpel of iets dergeliks, heilig en onberispelik. Die mans behoort hulle vrouens so lief te hê soos hulle eie liggame. Wie sy vrou liefhet, het homself lief, want niemand het nog ooit sy eie liggaam gehaat nie. Inteendeel, hy voed en versorg dit, soos Christus met Sy kerk doen omdat dit Sy liggaam is, waarvan ons lede is. Daar staan in die Skrif: “Daarom sal ‘n man sy vader en moeder verlaat en saam met sy vrou lewe, en hulle twee sal een wees. Hierin lê daar ‘n diep geheimenis opgesluit, en ek pas dit toe op Christus en die kerk. Maar dit is ook op julle van toepassing. Elkeen moet sy vrou so lief hê soos hy homself liefhet en ‘n vrou moet aan haar man eerbied betoon”.
Kol. 3:19 (OV) “Manne, julle moet jul vroue liefhê en nie teen hulle verbitter word nie”.
1 Pet. 3:7 (OV) “Net so moet julle, manne, verstandig met hulle saamlewe en aan die vroulike geslag, as die swakkere, eer bewys, omdat julle ook mede-erfgename van die genade van die lewe is – sodat julle gebede nie verhinder mag word nie”.


Ek is gevra om Bybelse lig op hierdie sentrale onderwerp te laat val, nl. die verantwoordelikheid van die man in die huwelik. Almal van julle is nie in ‘n huwelik nie. Moenie dink dat dit nie vir julle relevant is nie. Sommige van julle sal nog in die huwelik bevestig word. Sien agter hierdie lering die wondere en die wysheid van die ordes van God. Alhoewel die preek betrekking het op mans wat in die huwelik is, het dit sekerlik ook relevansie vir die vrouens. Continue reading “Die man se verantwoordelikheid in die huwelik – Deel 1”