Geloofsfondamente – Nico vd Walt
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- 01- W Still - Jn 1:1-14
- 02 - W Still - Jn 1:14-34
- 03 - W Still - Jn 1:35-51
- 04 - W Still - Jn 2:1-11
- 05 - W Still - Jn 2:12-25
- 06 - W Still - Jn 3:1-21
- 07 - W Still - Jn 3:22-30
- 08 - W Still - Jn 3:31-36
- 09 - W Still - Jn 4:1-42
- 10 - W Still - Jn 4:43-54
- 11 - W Still - Jn 5:1-15
- 12 - W Still - Jn 5:16-30
- 13 - W Still - Jn 5:31-47
- 14 - W Still - Jn 6:1-15
- 15 - W Still - Jn 6:16-21
- 16 - W Still - Jn 6:22-40
- 17 - W Still - Jn 6:41-71
- 18 - W Still - Jn 7:1-30
- 19 - W Still - Jn 7:30-53
- 20 - W Still - Jn 8:1-11
- 21 - W Still - Jn 8:12-30
- 22 - W Still - Jn 8:31-59
- 23 - W Still - Jn 9:1-41
- 24 - W Still - Jn 10:1-21
- 25 - W Still - Jn 10:22-42
- 26 - W Still - Jn 11:1-44
- 27 - W Still - Jn 11:45-47
- 28 - W Still - Jn 12:1-11
- 29 - W Still - Jn 12:12-19
- 30 - W Still - Jn 12:20-36
- 31 - W Still - Jn 12:37-50
- 32 - W Still - Jn 13:1-17
- 33 - W Still - Jn 13:18-30
- 34 - W Still - Jn 13:31-35
- 35 - W Still - Jn 14:1-14
- 36 - W Still - Jn 14:15-24
- 37 - W Still - Jn 14:25-31
- 38 - W Still - Jn 15:1-17
- 39 - W Still - Jn 15:18-16:4
- 40 - W Still - Jn 16:5-15
- 41 - W Still - Jn 16:16-33
- 42 - W Still - Jn 17:1-5
- 43 - W Still - Jn 17:6-19
- 44 - W Still - Jn 17:20-26
- 45 - W Still - Jn 18:1-11
- 46 - W Still - Jn 18:12-27
- 47 - W Still - Jn 18:28-19:15
- 48 - W Still - Jn 19:16-30
- 49 - W Still - Jn 19:31-42
- 50 - W Still - Jn 20:1-9
- 51 - W Still - Jn 20:10-18
- 52 - W Still - Jn 20:19-31
- 53 - W Still - Jn 21:1-17
- 54 - W Still - Jn 21:18-25
Evangelical and Reformed Conference and Grace Ministers Conference Sermons.
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Previous Messages of ERC Speaker
Gerhard Hemmings
To get some feeling of the anual Evangelical and Reformed Conference happening in the first week of July each year – watch the video
- A wicked rich man and a Godly poor man – I place this exerpt from Mathew Henry’s commentary on the Bible here, as it is such a stern warning from God to us all.It is a commentary on Luke 16:19-31 – A wicked rich man and a godly poor man (The Rich man and Lazarus). As the parable of the prodigal son set before us… Continue Reading
- God’s inexplicable dealings with His people – – from the Letters of Samuel Rutherford ( 1600-1661) The godly Scottish preacher Rutherford was forbidden to preach and banished from his home church Anwoth to Aberdeen in Scotland in 1636 by his enemies. Although he did suffer from periods of depression and a feeling of uselessness during this time, above all it was what… Continue Reading
Wisdom from Samuel Rutherford (1600 – 1661)
Persecuted for his faithfullness to Christ and the Scriptures
“This world is a great forest of thorns on your way to heaven, but you must go through it”
“Let all the world be nothing and let God be all things”
Christian faith and practice involved both the heart and the mind, and thus also the will. This should be obvious, yet this total biblical picture is so seldom seen in contemporary Christianity. Arid intellectual preaching appeals to the mind only, and exploitative or therapeutic preachers reach out solely to the heart. The Bible involves both the heart and the mind, and this makes the crucial difference to our wills as we go through the ups and downs of everyday life
—–… Elizabeth and Christopher Catherwood on Lloyd Jones’s preaching

Epreke is kernagtige boodskappe oor al die belangrike geloofswaarhede in ‘n maklik leesbare formaat en beslaan net twee A4 bladsye deur Nico van der Walt. Die Here het hom begaafd om die Bybel op ‘n deeglike en Godgesentreerde en Christus gefokusde manier uit te le. Lees dit gerus U sal nie teleurgesteld wees nie.
Heroute is soortgelyk maar bietjie meer uitgebreid.