I place this exerpt from Mathew Henry’s commentary on the Bible here, as it is such a stern warning from God to us all.
It is a commentary on Luke 16:19-31 – A wicked rich man and a godly poor man (The Rich man and Lazarus).
As the parable of the prodigal son set before us the grace of the gospel, which is encouraging to us all, so this sets before us the wrath to come, and is designed for our awakening; and very fast asleep those are in sin, that will not be awakened by it. The Pharisees made a jest of Christ’s sermon against worldliness; now this parable was intended to make those mockers serious. The tendency of the gospel of Christ is both to reconcile us to poverty and affliction and to arm us against temptations to worldliness and sensuality.
Author: alex
Christ’s Humility (The cross and all my life Part 1)
A transcription of a sermon on humility preached by Rev. Martin Holdt.
Read Philippians 2: 5 – 11
Read part II of this series here: Part II
A call to imitate the humility of Christ
It happens to be one of the greatest Christological statements in the New Testament and it follows a plea to Christians to be humble. When the apostle Paul introduced the subject he did so in verses 1 to 4 of chapter 2: “If there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the spirit, in the affection and sympathy complete my joy by being of the same mind and having the same love. Being in full accord and of one mind.”
Before I go on to verse 3 and 4, I suggest to you that the actual theme of Philippians is not so much joy, it is unity. I wish I had time to show you that. You read it for yourself and see how often the apostle deals with the whole matter of unity.
Verse 3: “Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility. Count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interest of others.”
And then the introduction to about what he has to say about Jesus Christ: “Have this mind among yourselves which is yours in Christ Jesus.”
Then the verses that we are going to be looking at. It is a call to imitate the humility of Jesus Christ, which none of us will ever do as much as we ought to. But it is there for us, it is there to challenge us. There is nothing so like Jesus Christ as true godly humility. If you would be like Him, you need to be humble. Continue reading “Christ’s Humility (The cross and all my life Part 1)”
Vlees of Ou Natuur (Meer as Oorwinnaars Deel 1B)
Die tweede deel (deel 1B) van ‘n transkripsie van die eerste boodskap uit ‘n reeks getiteld “Meer as Oorwinnaars” deur Nico van der Walt.
Die tiperende van ‘n Christen se lewe is dat die nuwe herskepde, Goddelike natuur heers oor die vlees of die ou natuur, maar dit kom nie maklik nie. Die Stryd teen die ou sondige of vleeslike natuur van binne en die satan van buite is ‘n bloedige stryd
(Deel1B van ‘n transkripsie uit die “Meer as Oorwinnaars” reeks deur Nico van der Walt)
Soos twee honde wat baklei
Jare gelede toe preek ek hier in Pretoria by ‘n plek. Die aand, na die preek, kom ‘n man na my en sê vir my: “Ek het vanaand niks verstaan van wat jy vir ons wou sê nie”. Wonder bo wonder nooi hulle my om weer te gaan preek. En die aand besluit ek ek sal baie eenvoudiger preek en ek sal baie meer prakties wees. Toe gebruik ek onder andere ‘n bekende beeld van twee honde wat in ‘n sak baklei. Dis nou as jy twee staffies in ‘n sak toemaak, en daardie twee manne spring aanmekaar, binne in die sak. Destyds was dit nog nie polities verkeerd om te praat van ‘n wit hond en ‘n swart hond nie.
Die mense kon sien hoe baklei die honde, want ek het daar voor hulle net so te kere gegaan om hierdie ding tuis te bring by hulle. Toe vra ek watter hond wen en ek dink die een ou het toe vir my gesê: “die hond wat die meeste kos kry!” Dit was ‘n wyse antwoord. Die aand het ek agtergekom die mense geniet en verstaan die beeld, en hulle nooi my weer om daar te gaan preek. Toe ek ‘n paar maande later instap in die saal was daar ‘n plakkaat met ‘n tekening van twee honde wat baklei, ‘n witte en ‘n swarte, en die witte is bo op die swarte! Toe weet ek, ek het deurgekom.
Continue reading “Vlees of Ou Natuur (Meer as Oorwinnaars Deel 1B)”Ligon Duncan on Hope Holiness and Perseverence
Did you pray for years for revival but it did not come, or preached your heart out with little fruit, or as a lay christian you see your church dying while you laboured and prayed for change that did not come. Well there is hope, Elijah had a similar experience. Although God revealed himself in a mighty way on mount Carmel, Ahab did not repent thereafter and neither did the people, and on top of that he had to flee for Jezebel
God used His servant Ligon Duncan in an extraordinary way to deliver a message “Hope for the depressed in heart” on Elijah which will greatly encourage you. What happened in his flight and thereafter. God’s grace in the chariots of fire and what happened on the mount of transfiguration – don’t miss this and his other messages below.
Dr . Ligon Duncan III is the Chancellor & CEO of Reformed Theological Seminary and God especially uses him to encourage Pastors and Lay Christians alike. Through this series of messages you will be greatly encouraged. It was delivered at the Grace Ministers Conference which we recorded in South Africa in 2015
To download Right Click on the player and select “save as” and choose a place on your hard disk where you want to save the mp3 file.
1. K0096-01 Hope for the depressed in heart
2. K0096-02 Hope and the Holiness of heart
3. K0096-03 Hope and the perseverance through trials
4. K0096-04 Hope and the return of Christ
If you want to own these messages on CD, DVD or mp4 download our catalogues and order by snailmail ( we will have to quote for postage depending where you live). Don’t forget to browse our other 2200 sermons. To start with, listen to those in Afrikaans by Nico van der Walt and in English – Joel Beeke, Martin Holdt, Stuart Olyott, Steven Lawson, Don Theobald, Brian Edwards. Enjoy! Don’t forget to ‘like’ this and to recommend our site to others.
We make these mp3’s available for free but want to ask that if you were blessed through it, please consider supporting this full time ministry by donating to cover our costs in rent, living, recording, editing and maintaining two websites.
Phil 4:15,17 “15 And you Philippians yourselves know that in the beginning of the gospel, when I left Macedonia, no church entered into partnership with me in giving and receiving, except you only.
16 Even in Thessalonica you sent me help for my needs once and again.
17 Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit that increases to your credit.”
True Preaching – by J.C. Ryle
The instrumentality by which the spiritual reforms of the eighteenth century carried on their operations, was of the simplest description. It was neither more nor less than the old apostolic weapon of preaching. The sword which the apostle Paul wielded with such mighty effect, when he assaulted the strongholds of heathenism eighteen hundred years ago—was the same sword by which they won their victories. Continue reading “True Preaching – by J.C. Ryle”
Gebed (Deel 2) – Raad vir die wat Bid en wie nie Bid nie.
vertaal en verkort uit ‘n skrywe van JC Ryle (1816-1900)
1. Aan die wat nie bid nie
Vriend is jy iemand wat glad nie bid nie ?. Indien wel dan moet ek jou ongelukkig waarsku met al die erns waartoe ek beskik. Jy is in ernstige gevaar. As jy in hierdie toestand sterwe is jy ‘n verlore siel en jy sal ongelukkig opstaan in ‘n ewig misrabele toestand in die hel. Hoekom? – wel alle christene bid. As jy dus nie bid nie is jy nie ‘n christen nie.
- Jy sê jy weet nie hoe om te bid nie.
Tog is dit die eenvoudigste handeling. Dit is eenvoudig om net met God te praat. Dit vereis nie geleerdheid, wysheid of boek kennis nie, dit vra net jou hart en wil. ‘n Swak babatjie huil as hy honger is. Die armste bedelaar hou sy hand uit vir ‘n aalmoes en wag nie om verfynde woorde te vind nie. So, die mees onkundige persoon sal iets vind om vir God te sê as hy bedeeld is met verstand. Continue reading “Gebed (Deel 2) – Raad vir die wat Bid en wie nie Bid nie.”
It’s winter in my soul
Do you experience gloomy winter times when the presence of Jesus seems far off and His voice seems bitter ? Oh may Jesus lift up your soul and encourage you through this hymn/poem of John Newton. Continue reading “It’s winter in my soul”
Gebed (Deel 1)
‘n vertaling, verwerking en opsomming van ‘n skrywe van JC Ryle oor gebed
Continue reading “Gebed (Deel 1)”“n mens gedurig moet bid” – Lukas 18:1
“Ek wil dan hê dat die manne op elke plek moet bid” – 1 Timotheus 2:8
The False Reality of Social Media
“We live in a world of false realities. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest all offer an alternate view of who we are as individuals. We can tweet spiritual tweets and show off our immaculate houses or perfectly cooked food on Instagram. We can either judge or feel judged as we scan our Facebook timelines, and Pinterest shows us how far we fall from perfection.”
Read the rest of This article by Elizabeth Wann its worth it.
Jelly-Fish Christianity and Affection for the Flock
Quotes from JC Ryle
Jelly-fish Christianity
There is a jelly-fish Christianity in the land; that is a Christianity without bone or muscle or power…of which the leading principle is “no dogma, no distinct tenets, no positive doctrine”. We have hundreds of jelly-fish clergymen, who seem not to have a single bone in their body of divinity…We have thousands of jelly-fish sermons preached every year – sermons without an edge, or a point, or a corner, smooth as billiard balls, awakening no sinner and edifying no saint…and last, and worst of all, we have myriads of jelly-fish worshippers – respectable, church-going people who have no distinct and definite views about any point in theology…they think everybody is right and nobody is wrong, everything is true and nothing is false, all sermons are good and none are bad, every clergyman is sound and none is unsound. Continue reading “Jelly-Fish Christianity and Affection for the Flock”
Moderne Sadduseërs en Fariseërs Deel2
In die vorige artikel het ons begin kyk na hierdie eeue oue verskynsel in die kerk van Jesus Christus na aanleiding van ‘n hoofstuk in die boek van JC Ryle “Churches Beware!” In hierdie artikel fokus ons op sekere voorsorg maatreels en teenmiddels teen die suurdeeg van die Fariseërs en die Sadduseërs wat elkeen van ons tot vandag toe bedreig. (Baie van hierdie gedagtes is my vry vertaling uit JC Ryle se boek met my eie toevoegings t.o.v. huidige omstandighede en toepassing.) Continue reading “Moderne Sadduseërs en Fariseërs Deel2”
Moderne Fariseërs en Sadduseërs Deel 1
Wat volg is hoofsaaklig my opsommende vry vertaling van ‘n hoofstuk uit die boek van J.C. Ryle “Churches Beware” met so hier en daar my eie byvoegings en voorbeelde uit ons eie land se situasie.
JC Ryle skryf : Wanneer die hoof van die Kerk, die Opperherder praat dan moet ons regop sit en aandag gee. Hy praat as die kaptein van sy soldate, as die Meester van Sy huis wat praat met sy diensknegte. Hy praat met die outoriteit wat Sy Vader Hom gegee het. Hoor dus wat Hy sê :
Daarop sê Jesus vir hulle: Pas op en wees op julle hoede vir die suurdeeg van die Fariseërs en Sadduseërs.(Matt 16:6)
Christen jou Vyand is nie ‘n Lam nie maar ‘n Leeu
Thomas Brooks skryf in 1659 (vry vertaal uit “The Mute Christian Under the Smarting Rod” of “The silent Soul with Sovereign Antidates”) na aanleiding van 1 Petrus 5:8
Die duiwel is nie ‘n lam nie – maar ‘n leeu.
Nie ‘n slapende leeu nie – maar ‘n brullende leeu. Nie ‘n stilstaande leeu nie – maar ‘n rondlopende leeu opsoek om te verslind.
Hy is nie tevrede met die prooi wat hy reeds besit nie maar is onrustig in sy voorneme om die hel te vul met veroordeelde siele.
Satan kom nooit kort aan
‘n appel vir ‘n Eva,
of ‘n druiwekorrel vir ‘n Noag,
of ‘n klerevervanging vir ‘n Gehasi,
of ‘n stafie goud vir ‘n Agan,
of ‘n kroon vir ‘n Absalom,
of ‘n sak silwer vir ‘n Judas,
of ‘n wêreld vir ‘n Demas nie.
As jy kyk na een geselskap sal jy vind dat Satan sy lekkernye uitdeel volgens elke smaak. By ‘n ander groep sal jy vind dat hy ‘n veter het vir elke skoen en by ‘n derde groep dat hy ‘n kledingstuk het vir elke rug.
Hier met Jael lok hy ‘n arme siel in met melk en vermoor hom met ‘n spyker.
Daar met Joab omhels hy hom met een hand en deursteek hom met die ander.
Hier met Judas, soen hy en verraai.
En daar met die hoer van Babilon bied hy ‘n goue beker aan – met gif daarin!
Bly op jou hoede! Kyk uit vir jou groot vyand, die duiwel. Hy loop rond soos ‘n brullende leeu, en soek wie hy kan verslind!. (1 Petrus 5:8)
Maar oppas, selfs in kerklike kringe verskyn hy dikwels as ‘n wolf in skaapsklere – Wees op jou hoede!
Waarom Geen Bekerings

Waarom geen Bekerings verskyn in 1898 uit die pen van Andrew Murray. Dit is 38 jaar na die herlewing in die Kaap en teen die tyd was daar weer algemene vervlakking in die gesondheid van die Kerke.
Hier is my baie kort opsomming van hierdie boekie met die bede dat die Here dit mag gebruik in die huidige gebrek aan egte outentieke bekerings in alle kerke in Suid Afrika.
Continue reading “Waarom Geen Bekerings”Gay Marriage – what is it all about?
Insights on this issue
excerpt from a blogpost of David Murray
“Gay marriage is not primarily about gay marriage; it’s mainly about silencing gay consciences.
Why is this state-sanctioned validation, empathy, acceptance, acknowledgment and approval so important to gay marriage campaigners? Why is it far more important than actually being allowed to marry? Continue reading “Gay Marriage – what is it all about?”
Mr Eternity – “Mnr Ewigheid”
Hy het sy beperkte gawes voluit gebruik. Hy was getrou en volhardend daarin. Hy het die tyd uitgekoop. En hy het miljoene op sy manier ge-evangeliseer.
Dis ‘n koue aand in 1956 as die predikant van Burton Street Baptist Church in Sydney die skimagtige figuur van ‘n knielende man raaksien. Dié is besig om iets op die sypaadjie te skryf. “Is jý tog nie Mnr Ewigheid nie!”, roep die pastor uit. Die kerk se skoonmaker kom regop -‘n skraal en besondere kort figuurtjie – en antwoord met ‘n sagte stem: “Ja, ek is die skuldige, meneer!”
Na 26 jaar se gissings is die geheim van “Mr. Eternity” uiteindelik opgelos. Deur die dekades heen was die woord “Eternity” gereeld soggens orals op Sydney se sypaadjies geskryf – ‘n stuk of 500 000 keer in netjiese groot bordkrytletters.
Arthur Stace se verhaal is ‘n uitstaande getuienis oor God se genade vir ‘n sondaar en hoe Hy met die kromste stok die reguitste houe kan slaan. Continue reading “Mr Eternity – “Mnr Ewigheid””
The call to the ministry – The ultimate test
By the late Rev. Martin Holdt
The ministry is beyond doubt the highest and holiest calling in the world. It is hard and exacting. It calls for great sacrifice and is demanding to the extreme. Many men are willing to accept the challenge of such a work, and many give up their well-earned security to undertake that challenge, but are they necessarily called?
Is a completed course of theological training a guarantee of ministerial success? Will it work if a man is found faithful in preparing sermons, in praying diligently and in visiting the flock? The answer to this question is simple: Only if the man is truly called of God. God’s servants are called men. The Scripture verifies this: “And how can they preach unless they are sent?” (Rom 10v15) Continue reading “The call to the ministry – The ultimate test”
Great Sermons of Dr Martyn Lloyd Jones
One of the most gifted preachers of our times was Dr martyn Lloyd Jones. The following links are to some of this great series. The recordings was done in the fifties and sixties so the quality is not always so good yet can be followed and in most cases are well restored.
Especially relevant is his series on Spiritual Depression
A collection of 24 sermons that Martyn Lloyd-Jones preached in 1954 on a subject that few other preachers cover. This extremely helpful collection includes 10 sermons that are not in the book of the same title, which has become a Christian classic.
Preaching and Preachers
recordings of the 16 lectures that Martyn Lloyd-Jones gave to students at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, in 1969. There are also 2 question and answer sessions that were held after the 16 lectures.
The famous series of Friday night lectures on the Letter to the Romans, split into 14 volumes to parallel the books, plus a small collection of 13 individual sermons preached at Westminster Chapel.
MLJ’s major series of 232 sermons covering all 6 chapters of Paul’s Epistle to the Ephesians, plus a small collection of 5 other sermons preached at Westminster Chapel. The major series is a systematic exposition of the epistle that was preached on Sunday mornings between 1954 and 1962.
Good teaching on a Call to the Ministry
If you are in Ministry of the Word of God or aspire to be, and want to be really blessed and helped by excellent teaching please follow the links below to a series by pastor Albert N Martin
You will not regret it!
A Call to the ministry
1 of 5 Six Wrong Reasons to Enter the Gospel Ministry
2 of 5 Four Essential Elements of the Call to the Ministry
3 of 5 Necessary Spiritual Gifts Required for Pastoral Office
4 of 5 Necessary Mechanical Gifts Required for the Office
5 of 5 Necessary Mental Gifts Required for the Pastoral Office
Parting Sermons of Dr Albert N Martin
For over forty years, Pastor Albert N. Martin faithfully served the Lord and His people as an elder of Trinity Baptist Church of Montville, New Jersey. Due to increasing and persistent health problems, he stepped down as one of their pastors, and in June, 2008, Pastor Martin and his wife, Dorothy, relocated to Michigan, where they are continuing their ministry through writing and recording.
In preparation for his transition out of his New Jersey pulpit, Pastor Martin preached a series of nine sermons to his congregation, Parting Words of Counsel to the Members and Friends of Trinity Baptist Church. In them, Martin admonishes his congregation to hold fast to several particular doctrines or practices that have been important to Martin over the last several decades.
This series is excellent council to any christian or pastor and I assure you you will be blessed by listening to it.
Here is the links to these sermons:
Parting Words of Counsel Part 1
Parting Words of Counsel Part 2
Parting Words of Counsel Part 3
Parting Words of Counsel Part 4
Parting Words of Counsel Part 5
Parting Words of Counsel Part 6
Parting Words of Counsel Part 7
Parting Words of Counsel Part 8
Parting Words of Counsel Part 9 – A Farewell Sermon