Foundations of faith No. 1 – Historical Christian Faith

Historic Christian Faith

Nico van der Walt

Jude 1v3

It’s a very telling and interesting verse this. One has the impression that Judas was planning to write to them about, as the King James Version put it, “our common salvation”, i.e. about the wonders of their salvation, but then he went ahead and said: “I feel now compelled” and he’s basically on a sidetrack and he started talking about the need to contend for the faith, which he said, “once delivered to us.”

It is very interesting if you look at this verse, where he says: “I felt the need …”;  by saying this he means: “What I want to share with you is of the utmost importance”.Secondly, he says: “you will earnestly contend.” The Greek indicates intense effort, e.g. in a wrestling match. It also indicates an ongoing effort, or an ongoing action. What should they content for? For the faith he says. What faith? “The faith once delivered to the saints or transferred to those that God has set apart for Himself. So it’s not just any religion, he defines faith. This is the faith that was delivered. Continue reading “Foundations of faith No. 1 – Historical Christian Faith”

Geloofsfondamente No.06 – Die eer van God alleen

Soli Deo Gloria (Die eer van God alleen) Ef. 1:3-14

Nico van der Walt

Ons kyk na Soli Deo Gloria, Die eer van God alleen. Met die oog daarop lees Ef. 1:3-14. in the Ou Afrikaanse Vertaling want die Nuwe Afrikaanse Vertaling het op strategiese punte, dink ek, dit mis.

Efesieër 1:3 “Geseënd is die God en Vader van ons Here Jesus Christus wat ons geseën het met alle geestelike seëninge in die hemel in Christus, soos Hy ons in Hom uitverkies het voor die grondlegging van die wêreld, om heilig en sonder gebrek voor Hom in liefde te wees, deurdat hy ons voorbeskik het om ons as Sy kinders vir Homself aan te neem deur Jesus Christus na die welbehae van Sy wil, tot lof van die heerlikheid van Sy genade waarmee Hy ons begenadig het in die Geliefde”. (OAV) Continue reading “Geloofsfondamente No.06 – Die eer van God alleen”