In die vorige artikel het ons begin kyk na hierdie eeue oue verskynsel in die kerk van Jesus Christus na aanleiding van ‘n hoofstuk in die boek van JC Ryle “Churches Beware!” In hierdie artikel fokus ons op sekere voorsorg maatreels en teenmiddels teen die suurdeeg van die Fariseërs en die Sadduseërs wat elkeen van ons tot vandag toe bedreig. (Baie van hierdie gedagtes is my vry vertaling uit JC Ryle se boek met my eie toevoegings t.o.v. huidige omstandighede en toepassing.) Continue reading “Moderne Sadduseërs en Fariseërs Deel2”
Tag: important
Parting Sermons of Dr Albert N Martin
For over forty years, Pastor Albert N. Martin faithfully served the Lord and His people as an elder of Trinity Baptist Church of Montville, New Jersey. Due to increasing and persistent health problems, he stepped down as one of their pastors, and in June, 2008, Pastor Martin and his wife, Dorothy, relocated to Michigan, where they are continuing their ministry through writing and recording.
In preparation for his transition out of his New Jersey pulpit, Pastor Martin preached a series of nine sermons to his congregation, Parting Words of Counsel to the Members and Friends of Trinity Baptist Church. In them, Martin admonishes his congregation to hold fast to several particular doctrines or practices that have been important to Martin over the last several decades.
This series is excellent council to any christian or pastor and I assure you you will be blessed by listening to it.
Here is the links to these sermons:
Parting Words of Counsel Part 1
Parting Words of Counsel Part 2
Parting Words of Counsel Part 3
Parting Words of Counsel Part 4
Parting Words of Counsel Part 5
Parting Words of Counsel Part 6
Parting Words of Counsel Part 7
Parting Words of Counsel Part 8
Parting Words of Counsel Part 9 – A Farewell Sermon