Do you fit this description?
Men and their wives who are (or who have been) in pastoral charges, or who are serving in missionary work at home or overseas or a Theological student at present in training.
Then you will not want to miss the yearly Grace Ministers Conference ! (Valley Lodge – Magaliesburg and Stellenbosch Lodge Country Hotel Cape Town South Africa)
The Grace Ministers’ Conferences are designed to inform and inspire ministers of the Gospel through powerful preaching. The purpose of these conferences is to reinforce spiritual truths that made the church of Christ healthy in the past, and at the same time, to present refreshing perspectives on God’s Word that are relevant and meaningful for ministry in the 21st century.
Their Website:
Gauteng 2016: 5 January 2016 – 6 January 2016 – Registration
Cape Town 2016: 7 January 2016 – 8 January 2016 – Registration
Closing date for registrations: 18 December 2015
Closing date for early bird payments: 17 November 2015
Dress Code: Smart casual
Director of the John Owen Centre
for Theological Study at
London Theological Seminary.
Dr Garry Williams will be speaking on:
The Love of God and the Work of the Pastor
God’s knowing love for the pastor and his sheep
God’s impassibility and the pastor’s passion
Doug van Meter is the pastor-teacher of Brackenhurst Baptist Church, Alberton South Africa
Doug Van Meter will be speaking on:
It’s All about Love:
Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing in Ministry
Program Gauteng
Program – Cape Town
Now back to this Site:
Read our Blog for challenging Articles. Blog
Het u al ooit die volgende opsommende artikels gelees. Dit is soos opsommings van volledige boodskappe. Dis geskryf deur Nico van der Walt wat deur die Here begaafd is om belangrike waarhede in kernagtige en treffende en op ‘n raak manier te verduidelik – E-Preke
Die Heroute deur dieselfde skrywer is bietjie meer omvattend.
Nico het ook die volgende merkwaardige verhaal in Afrikaans vertaal en ons hoop dit gryp u ook aan:
Dis ‘n koue aand in 1956 as die predikant van Burton Street Baptist Church in Sydney die skimagtige figuur van ‘n knielende man raaksien. Dié is besig om iets op die sypaadjie te skryf. “Is jý tog nie Mnr. Ewigheid nie!”, roep die pastor uit. Die kerk se skoonmaker kom regop -‘n skraal en besondere kort figuurtjie – en antwoord met ‘n sagte stem: “Ja, ek is die skuldige, meneer!” Na 26 jaar se gissings is die geheim van “Mr. Eternity” uiteindelik opgelos.
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