Gebed (Deel 2) – Raad vir die wat Bid en wie nie Bid nie.

vertaal en verkort uit ‘n skrywe van JC Ryle (1816-1900)

1. Aan die wat nie bid nie

Vriend is jy iemand wat glad nie bid nie ?. Indien wel dan moet ek jou ongelukkig waarsku met al die erns waartoe ek beskik. Jy is in ernstige gevaar. As jy in hierdie toestand sterwe is jy ‘n verlore siel en jy sal ongelukkig opstaan in ‘n ewig misrabele toestand in die hel. Hoekom? – wel alle christene bid. As jy dus nie bid nie is jy nie ‘n christen nie.

  • Jy sê jy weet nie hoe om te bid nie.

Tog is dit die eenvoudigste handeling. Dit is eenvoudig om net met God te praat. Dit vereis nie geleerdheid, wysheid of boek kennis nie, dit vra net jou hart en wil. ‘n Swak babatjie huil as hy honger is. Die armste bedelaar hou sy hand uit vir ‘n aalmoes en wag nie om verfynde woorde te vind nie. So, die mees onkundige persoon sal iets vind om vir God te sê as hy bedeeld is met verstand. Continue reading “Gebed (Deel 2) – Raad vir die wat Bid en wie nie Bid nie.”

Ministers who make it

by the late Dr Martyn Holdt

It is required of a steward to be found faithful. Faithfulness is basic to the Christian ministry. Jesus Christ was absolutely faithful to the end. The apostle Paul was faithful throughout his ministry. All of God’s great servants were loyal and trustworthy throughout the period of their service in the kingdom of God. Faithfulness is non-negotiable. However, is a servant of Christ not meant to seek for and to experience the kind of prosperity God promised to Joshua and to all those who do the will of God? Joshua 1 v 8. Continue reading “Ministers who make it”

Mr Eternity – “Mnr Ewigheid”

Hy het sy beperkte gawes voluit gebruik. Hy was getrou en volhardend daarin. Hy het die tyd uitgekoop. En hy het miljoene op sy manier ge-evangeliseer.

Dis ‘n koue aand in 1956 as die predikant van Burton Street Baptist Church in Sydney die skimagtige figuur van ‘n knielende man raaksien. Dié is besig om iets op die sypaadjie te skryf. “Is jý tog nie Mnr Ewigheid nie!”, roep die pastor uit. Die kerk se skoonmaker kom regop -‘n skraal en besondere kort figuurtjie – en antwoord met ‘n sagte stem: “Ja, ek is die skuldige, meneer!”

Na 26 jaar se gissings is die geheim van “Mr. Eternity” uiteindelik opgelos. Deur die dekades heen was die woord “Eternity” gereeld soggens orals op Sydney se sypaadjies geskryf – ‘n stuk of 500 000 keer in netjiese groot bordkrytletters.

Arthur Stace se verhaal is ‘n uitstaande getuienis oor God se genade vir ‘n sondaar en hoe Hy met die kromste stok die reguitste houe kan slaan. Continue reading “Mr Eternity – “Mnr Ewigheid””

The call to the ministry – The ultimate test

By the late Rev. Martin Holdt

The ministry is beyond doubt the highest and holiest calling in the world. It is hard and exacting. It calls for great sacrifice and is demanding to the extreme. Many men are willing to accept the challenge of such a work, and many give up their well-earned security to undertake that challenge, but are they necessarily called?

Is a completed course of theological training a guarantee of ministerial success? Will it work if a man is found faithful in preparing sermons, in praying diligently and in visiting the flock? The answer to this question is simple: Only if the man is truly called of God. God’s servants are called men. The Scripture verifies this: “And how can they preach unless they are sent?” (Rom 10v15) Continue reading “The call to the ministry – The ultimate test”

Good teaching on a Call to the Ministry

If you are in Ministry of the Word of God or aspire to be, and want to be really blessed and helped by excellent teaching please follow the links below to a series by pastor Albert N Martin

You will not regret it!

A Call to the ministry

1 of 5 Six Wrong Reasons to Enter the Gospel Ministry
2 of 5 Four Essential Elements of the Call to the Ministry
3 of 5 Necessary Spiritual Gifts Required for Pastoral Office
4 of 5 Necessary Mechanical Gifts Required for the Office
5 of 5 Necessary Mental Gifts Required for the Pastoral Office