Jelly-Fish Christianity and Affection for the Flock

Quotes from JC Ryle

Jelly-fish Christianity

There is a jelly-fish Christianity in the land; that is a Christianity without bone or muscle or power…of which the leading principle is “no dogma, no distinct tenets, no positive doctrine”. We have hundreds of jelly-fish clergymen, who seem not to have a single bone in their body of divinity…We have thousands of jelly-fish sermons preached every year – sermons without an edge, or a point, or a corner, smooth as billiard balls, awakening no sinner and edifying no saint…and last, and worst of all, we have myriads of jelly-fish worshippers – respectable, church-going people who have no distinct and definite views about any point in theology…they think everybody is right and nobody is wrong, everything is true and nothing is false, all sermons are good and none are bad, every clergyman is sound and none is unsound. Continue reading “Jelly-Fish Christianity and Affection for the Flock”

Moderne Sadduseërs en Fariseërs Deel2

In die vorige artikel het ons begin kyk na hierdie eeue oue verskynsel in die kerk van Jesus Christus na aanleiding van ‘n hoofstuk in die boek van JC Ryle “Churches Beware!” In hierdie artikel fokus ons op sekere voorsorg maatreels en teenmiddels  teen die suurdeeg van die Fariseërs en die Sadduseërs wat elkeen van ons tot vandag toe bedreig. (Baie van hierdie gedagtes is my vry vertaling uit JC Ryle se boek met my eie toevoegings t.o.v. huidige omstandighede en toepassing.) Continue reading “Moderne Sadduseërs en Fariseërs Deel2”

Ministers who make it

by the late Dr Martyn Holdt

It is required of a steward to be found faithful. Faithfulness is basic to the Christian ministry. Jesus Christ was absolutely faithful to the end. The apostle Paul was faithful throughout his ministry. All of God’s great servants were loyal and trustworthy throughout the period of their service in the kingdom of God. Faithfulness is non-negotiable. However, is a servant of Christ not meant to seek for and to experience the kind of prosperity God promised to Joshua and to all those who do the will of God? Joshua 1 v 8. Continue reading “Ministers who make it”

Great Sermons of Dr Martyn Lloyd Jones

One of the most gifted preachers of our times was Dr martyn Lloyd Jones. The following links are to some of this great series. The recordings was done in the fifties and sixties so the quality is not always so good yet can be followed and in most cases are well restored.

Especially relevant is his series on Spiritual Depression

A collection of 24 sermons that Martyn Lloyd-Jones preached in 1954 on a subject that few other preachers cover. This extremely helpful collection includes 10 sermons that are not in the book of the same title, which has become a Christian classic.

Preaching and Preachers

recordings of the 16 lectures that Martyn Lloyd-Jones gave to students at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, in 1969. There are also 2 question and answer sessions that were held after the 16 lectures.


The famous series of Friday night lectures on the Letter to the Romans, split into 14 volumes to parallel the books, plus a small collection of 13 individual sermons preached at Westminster Chapel.


MLJ’s major series of 232 sermons covering all 6 chapters of Paul’s Epistle to the Ephesians, plus a small collection of 5 other sermons preached at Westminster Chapel. The major series is a systematic exposition of the epistle that was preached on Sunday mornings between 1954 and 1962.


Good teaching on a Call to the Ministry

If you are in Ministry of the Word of God or aspire to be, and want to be really blessed and helped by excellent teaching please follow the links below to a series by pastor Albert N Martin

You will not regret it!

A Call to the ministry

1 of 5 Six Wrong Reasons to Enter the Gospel Ministry
2 of 5 Four Essential Elements of the Call to the Ministry
3 of 5 Necessary Spiritual Gifts Required for Pastoral Office
4 of 5 Necessary Mechanical Gifts Required for the Office
5 of 5 Necessary Mental Gifts Required for the Pastoral Office

Reformed Pastor – Part 1- Take Heed of Yourselve

extracts from the work of Richard Baxter – The Reformed Pastor





Let us consider, What it is to take heed to ourselves.

1. See that the work of saving grace be thoroughly wrought in your own souls.

Take heed to yourselves, lest you be void of that saving grace of God which you offer to others, and be strangers to the effectual working of that gospel which you preach; and lest, while you proclaim to the world the necessity of a Saviour, your own hearts should neglect him, and you should miss of an interest in him and his saving benefits. Continue reading “Reformed Pastor – Part 1- Take Heed of Yourselve”

What’s wrong with evangelism today – introduction

This is an introduction to a book that has been very helpful. It is called: “Today’s Gospel authentic or synthetic?” by Walter J. Chantry. Available from good bookshops.


Truth and unity

Evangelicals know that all is not well in their churches and missions. Behind the facade of glowing missionary reports and massive statistics there is a profound awareness that the church has little power in evangelism. While bravely trying to produce an aura of joy and victory among their followers, church leaders are uneasy and deeply dissatisfied with their present experience and the results of their efforts. Continue reading “What’s wrong with evangelism today – introduction”