To Download a sermon
Once you clicked on the “play” button to play a sermon online – rightclick on the player and select “save audio as” and select where on your computer you want to save the file and then click “save”
To sort the sermons click on the arrows next to the column header. For example if you want to order according to EVENT click on the arrow next to the EVENT column. It will now sort according to events like conferences ascending. Click the arrow again to change from ascending to descending order.
Just a request: Rather than copying sermons to another website – outbound link to the sermon here.
Please Be patient – This database loads slowly due to its size !
Sermons of the 2022 Evangelical and Reformed Conference (at Skogheim) on ERC Youtube Channel
Life in Babylon – ERC Conf sermons 2022
on Spotify:
ERC 2022 and 2023