I place this exerpt from Mathew Henry’s commentary on the Bible here, as it is such a stern warning from God to us all.
It is a commentary on Luke 16:19-31 – A wicked rich man and a godly poor man (The Rich man and Lazarus).
As the parable of the prodigal son set before us the grace of the gospel, which is encouraging to us all, so this sets before us the wrath to come, and is designed for our awakening; and very fast asleep those are in sin, that will not be awakened by it. The Pharisees made a jest of Christ’s sermon against worldliness; now this parable was intended to make those mockers serious. The tendency of the gospel of Christ is both to reconcile us to poverty and affliction and to arm us against temptations to worldliness and sensuality.
Category: Truths for our times
God’s inexplicable dealings with His people
– from the Letters of Samuel Rutherford ( 1600-1661)
The godly Scottish preacher Rutherford was forbidden to preach and banished from his home church Anwoth to Aberdeen in Scotland in 1636 by his enemies. Although he did suffer from periods of depression and a feeling of uselessness during this time, above all it was what he called the dumb or silent Sabbaths that distressed him most, remembering his flock left behind at Anwoth like the sheep without a shepherd. God used this time of suffering to draw him very close to Christ and equipped him to write with deep compassion and wisdom to his people, friends and others who were seeking his counsel. Out of the 365 letters written during his lifetime, 220 were penned during his exile and imprisonment in Aberdeen what he called “my kings palace”. This excerpt was from one of these letters.
Continue reading “God’s inexplicable dealings with His people”Alone with God
The importance of a daily time alone with God
By Martin Holdt
Is there a Biblical basis for private devotions? Is it not enough to be fed with truth from a sound pulpit ministry? If there is public praying, does there need to be private praying?
Continue reading “Alone with God”Having the mind of Christ (The cross and all of life – Part II)
“Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus”-Phil 2:5
A transcription of a sermon on humility preached by Rev. Martin Holdt.
Read Part 1 of this series here: PART I
Read Philippians 2: 5 – 11
The Mind of Christ
We read in Phil 2:4 “complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind” The apostle Paul was writing to a church where there was the threat of schism. We read in Philippians 4 verse 2: “I beseech you Iuodia and Syntyche to be of the same mind” It seemed thus that the two women were at loggerheads and it could easily spill over, especially when it is two women, into the rest of the church and there were probably others too. We don’t know. He continue (Phil 2:3) “do nothing from rivalry or conceit”. Why does he say that to a church consisting of Christians ? Continue reading “Having the mind of Christ (The cross and all of life – Part II)”
Christ’s Humility (The cross and all my life Part 1)
A transcription of a sermon on humility preached by Rev. Martin Holdt.
Read Philippians 2: 5 – 11
Read part II of this series here: Part II
A call to imitate the humility of Christ
It happens to be one of the greatest Christological statements in the New Testament and it follows a plea to Christians to be humble. When the apostle Paul introduced the subject he did so in verses 1 to 4 of chapter 2: “If there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the spirit, in the affection and sympathy complete my joy by being of the same mind and having the same love. Being in full accord and of one mind.”
Before I go on to verse 3 and 4, I suggest to you that the actual theme of Philippians is not so much joy, it is unity. I wish I had time to show you that. You read it for yourself and see how often the apostle deals with the whole matter of unity.
Verse 3: “Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility. Count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interest of others.”
And then the introduction to about what he has to say about Jesus Christ: “Have this mind among yourselves which is yours in Christ Jesus.”
Then the verses that we are going to be looking at. It is a call to imitate the humility of Jesus Christ, which none of us will ever do as much as we ought to. But it is there for us, it is there to challenge us. There is nothing so like Jesus Christ as true godly humility. If you would be like Him, you need to be humble. Continue reading “Christ’s Humility (The cross and all my life Part 1)”
True Preaching – by J.C. Ryle
The instrumentality by which the spiritual reforms of the eighteenth century carried on their operations, was of the simplest description. It was neither more nor less than the old apostolic weapon of preaching. The sword which the apostle Paul wielded with such mighty effect, when he assaulted the strongholds of heathenism eighteen hundred years ago—was the same sword by which they won their victories. Continue reading “True Preaching – by J.C. Ryle”
The False Reality of Social Media
“We live in a world of false realities. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest all offer an alternate view of who we are as individuals. We can tweet spiritual tweets and show off our immaculate houses or perfectly cooked food on Instagram. We can either judge or feel judged as we scan our Facebook timelines, and Pinterest shows us how far we fall from perfection.”
Read the rest of This article by Elizabeth Wann its worth it.
Jelly-Fish Christianity and Affection for the Flock
Quotes from JC Ryle
Jelly-fish Christianity
There is a jelly-fish Christianity in the land; that is a Christianity without bone or muscle or power…of which the leading principle is “no dogma, no distinct tenets, no positive doctrine”. We have hundreds of jelly-fish clergymen, who seem not to have a single bone in their body of divinity…We have thousands of jelly-fish sermons preached every year – sermons without an edge, or a point, or a corner, smooth as billiard balls, awakening no sinner and edifying no saint…and last, and worst of all, we have myriads of jelly-fish worshippers – respectable, church-going people who have no distinct and definite views about any point in theology…they think everybody is right and nobody is wrong, everything is true and nothing is false, all sermons are good and none are bad, every clergyman is sound and none is unsound. Continue reading “Jelly-Fish Christianity and Affection for the Flock”
The Work of the Pastor is to Feed the Sheep
Here follows the first chapter of the book “The Work of the Pastor” written by William Still. This chapter is also freely available on the Internet as an advertisement to buy the book. Well it is worth buying the book for the rest of the chapters (just google it). I ordered my copies through Christian Book Discounters in Rosebank Johannesburg (Christian Book Discounters)
Chapter One – Feed My Sheep
The Pastor
Before we look at the work of the pastor we must look at the pastor himself. The pastor by definition is a shepherd, the under-shepherd of the flock of God. His primary task is to feed the flock by leading them to green pastures. He also has to care for them when they are sick or hurt, and seek them when they go astray. The importance of the pastor depends on the value of the sheep.
Continue reading “The Work of the Pastor is to Feed the Sheep”
Introduction to The work of the pastor
Sinclair Ferguson once said “Every Pastor should read this book at least once a year” If you wonder why, then read what Thabiti Anyabwile have to say about his experience below. In this post I will post the introduction to this book written by William Still, and in the next post, the First chapter of the book which is also freely available on the Internet as an advertisement to buy the book. After that then go ahead and order the book from Focus publishers.
This is what Thabiti Anyabwile said:
On the plane ride to the New Life Bible Conference, I began reading William Still’s The Work of the Pastor. I’ve had the book for a few years, but had yet to pick it up. In recent conversations with some pastor friends, I was strongly encouraged to take up and read. And boy am I glad I did!
Gay Marriage – what is it all about?
Insights on this issue
excerpt from a blogpost of David Murray
“Gay marriage is not primarily about gay marriage; it’s mainly about silencing gay consciences.
Why is this state-sanctioned validation, empathy, acceptance, acknowledgment and approval so important to gay marriage campaigners? Why is it far more important than actually being allowed to marry? Continue reading “Gay Marriage – what is it all about?”
The cross and the world – what is the Gospel?
Author: Martin Holdt
This is the second part of the sermon, which is transcribed, delivered by Rev Martin Holdt, entitled, The cross and the world.
What is the gospel? It is what God has done in Christ. It is called by the apostle Paul “justification”. Just so that you can understand where we are at, because I don’t think that all of you have got this sorted out. Please allow me in as simple terms as possible to tell you.
Years ago I had a phone call from a lady I did not know. She said on the telephone: “Do you preach the doctrine of justification?” What a strange question, on the telephone, from a woman. So I said, just tell me why do you ask? She said: “Come and see me.” I did. Continue reading “The cross and the world – what is the Gospel?”
The cross and the world
Author: Dr Martin Holdt
This is the first part of a sermon transcribed, in the series, The Cross, by Dr Martin Holdt, entitled: The cross and the world.
Galatians 6: 1 – 8 “Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted. Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfil the law of Christ. If anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself. Each one should test his own actions. Then he can take pride in himself, without comparing himself to somebody else, for each one should carry his own load. Anyone who receives instruction in the word must share all good things with his instructor. Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.”
If you hear me say things that I’ve said before, please forbear. I say them because it is important that they be said and don’t we all concur that if the truth is worth saying once it is worth saying a thousand times over, provided it comes to us with fear and conviction and we take it to heart and live it out for the glory of God. So, I am going to repeat a few things that you have heard me say before, I do it because it is a burden on my heart and I happen to have discovered what I am sure every minister of the gospel has discovered here. People forget so soon. Continue reading “The cross and the world”
Glorying in the cross of Jesus Christ – Part 2
Author: Martin Holdt
This is a continuation of a series of sermons, transcribed, preached by Martin Holdt, “The Cross”. Read further, for part 2 of the message “Glorying in the cross of Jesus Christ”.
There is nowhere else where you will so see the love of God as in the cross. No wonder Paul finds glory in that. I want to drink deep of the fountain of God’s love. So I will make it a daily exercise to stop to pause and to think about that love. Incidently, please don’t think that you have got to get a necklace with a little superstitious cross or a bracelet. No. You ponder and you think about what happened there. God at work. His love and of course His mercy. Is there a God as forgiving as that? You know, it seems to me that this last generation of Christians has all but forgotten what forgiveness is all about. I am not talking about divine forgiveness, that too, yes, but interpersonal forgiveness. The way we harbour bitterness against fellow believers. Go back to God, go back to the cross. Look at the offences there, against the righteous, glorious God. What does the cross tell you? God is merciful, very merciful, o so merciful. Continue reading “Glorying in the cross of Jesus Christ – Part 2”
Glorying in the cross of Jesus Christ – Part 1
Author: Rev. Martin Holdt
These are transcriptions of sermons preached by Rev. Martin Holdt, a series on “The cross”. This is the Part 1 of the message, “Glorying in the cross of Jesus Christ.”
Scripture reading: Galatians 6: 1 – 18
Galatians 6 verse 14: Far be it from me, said the apostle Paul, to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ by which the world has been crucified to me and I to the world. I prefer the Authorised Version use of the word glory though both is acceptable : far be it for me to glory except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.
What is he saying? Let’s be clear about that before we get into the text. He is not saying that he glories in that wooden instrument on which our Lord Jesus was crucified. It doesn’t say that. Cicero once said that the worst form of execution ever invented by the human mind was crucifixion. It was terrible, it was painful and shameful and it was ghastly. Continue reading “Glorying in the cross of Jesus Christ – Part 1”
Die huwelik – die historiese Christelike geloofsiening
Hier volg die vervolg van die transkripsie van die preek van Nico van der Walt, oor die beeld van God in die verhouding tussen man en vrou in die huwelik.
Skrywer: Nico van der Walt
Wat ek hier voorhou is nie my eie teologiese wieletjie nie, dit is die historiese Christelike geloof wat deur van die grootste manne en vroue van God deur die eeue en die diepste denkers as sodanig verstaan is en ons loop dus in pas met die historiese Christelike geloof.
Kom ons kyk nou na God se beeld in ons geslagtelikheid. Ons weet almal baie goed dat die lewende God wat homself geopenbaar het in Christus en van wie ons in die Bybel lees, drie Persone is. Drie Persone wat een is en tog drie Persone. Die Goddelike Drie-eenheid bring tog ‘n besondere aspek van God se beeld en wese vir ons na vore. Ek kan nie dink dat ons ooit die beeld van God kan losmaak van die feit van Sy drie-enigheid nie. In Gen 1v26 vind ons die eerste sinspeling op die Drie-eenheid – “Kom Ons maak die mens as ons verteenwoordiger, ons beeld…” Kom ons maak die mens as ons teenwoordiger! Die mens as skepping van man en vrou kom tot uitdrukking op drie maniere. Dit kom tot uitdrukking in persoonlike verhoudings – veral die intimiteit tussen man en vrou in die huwelik. Tweedens sit dit in hulle gelykheid – persoonlik- en status gelykheid voor die Here. Derdens word dit gesien in die verskillende rolle wat hulle Skepper aan hulle toeken, wat God reg van die begin af aan hulle toeken. Continue reading “Die huwelik – die historiese Christelike geloofsiening”
Makes you think: The effect of Television on homes
“The Stranger”
A few months before I was born, my dad met a stranger who was new to our small Tennessee town. From the beginning, Dad was fascinated with this enchanting newcomer, and soon invited him to live with our family. The stranger was quickly accepted and was around to welcome me into the world a few months later. Continue reading “Makes you think: The effect of Television on homes”
Great Sermons of Dr Martyn Lloyd Jones
One of the most gifted preachers of our times was Dr martyn Lloyd Jones. The following links are to some of this great series. The recordings was done in the fifties and sixties so the quality is not always so good yet can be followed and in most cases are well restored.
Especially relevant is his series on Spiritual Depression
A collection of 24 sermons that Martyn Lloyd-Jones preached in 1954 on a subject that few other preachers cover. This extremely helpful collection includes 10 sermons that are not in the book of the same title, which has become a Christian classic.
Preaching and Preachers
recordings of the 16 lectures that Martyn Lloyd-Jones gave to students at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, in 1969. There are also 2 question and answer sessions that were held after the 16 lectures.
The famous series of Friday night lectures on the Letter to the Romans, split into 14 volumes to parallel the books, plus a small collection of 13 individual sermons preached at Westminster Chapel.
MLJ’s major series of 232 sermons covering all 6 chapters of Paul’s Epistle to the Ephesians, plus a small collection of 5 other sermons preached at Westminster Chapel. The major series is a systematic exposition of the epistle that was preached on Sunday mornings between 1954 and 1962.
Good teaching on a Call to the Ministry
If you are in Ministry of the Word of God or aspire to be, and want to be really blessed and helped by excellent teaching please follow the links below to a series by pastor Albert N Martin
You will not regret it!
A Call to the ministry
1 of 5 Six Wrong Reasons to Enter the Gospel Ministry
2 of 5 Four Essential Elements of the Call to the Ministry
3 of 5 Necessary Spiritual Gifts Required for Pastoral Office
4 of 5 Necessary Mechanical Gifts Required for the Office
5 of 5 Necessary Mental Gifts Required for the Pastoral Office
Parting Sermons of Dr Albert N Martin
For over forty years, Pastor Albert N. Martin faithfully served the Lord and His people as an elder of Trinity Baptist Church of Montville, New Jersey. Due to increasing and persistent health problems, he stepped down as one of their pastors, and in June, 2008, Pastor Martin and his wife, Dorothy, relocated to Michigan, where they are continuing their ministry through writing and recording.
In preparation for his transition out of his New Jersey pulpit, Pastor Martin preached a series of nine sermons to his congregation, Parting Words of Counsel to the Members and Friends of Trinity Baptist Church. In them, Martin admonishes his congregation to hold fast to several particular doctrines or practices that have been important to Martin over the last several decades.
This series is excellent council to any christian or pastor and I assure you you will be blessed by listening to it.
Here is the links to these sermons:
Parting Words of Counsel Part 1
Parting Words of Counsel Part 2
Parting Words of Counsel Part 3
Parting Words of Counsel Part 4
Parting Words of Counsel Part 5
Parting Words of Counsel Part 6
Parting Words of Counsel Part 7
Parting Words of Counsel Part 8
Parting Words of Counsel Part 9 – A Farewell Sermon